Social Media: The Platform That Gives Designers Opportunity

For as long as recorded history has existed, humanity has constantly innovated and made new technology. As new technology is created, so too does the opportunities it provides to people in terms of work. Social media is no different, as once it was created in full force, people began to understand the intricacies of the platform and came to master how people use those platforms. Those companies then realize they need data and feedback on their target audience, and so they look for people who are skilled in new fields, like platform management, PR (public relations), graphic design, and so many more.

Why Social Media Needs Skilled Individuals

Social media companies have plenty of people working for them, but not enough of the skills they need to properly manage whatever platform they operate. People don’t seem to realize, but social media changed the way information gets shared with the world and at such a rapid pace, that those platforms need constant monitoring and surveying the competition.

Not to mention that this is an industry that’s ever-changing with new technology and practices being created and replaced in such a rapid succession. To think, only 5 years ago, social media workers and designers made everything themselves, but now that AI is a thing, we need people who can learn to master this new craft and the workarounds to get it to be useful. It won’t take away jobs like people say, but it opens the door for new jobs and career opportunities. Now, if you’re a person who can manage ChatGPT, DALL E, and many others like it, that in of itself is considered a valuable skill to have.

Social Media Leads to Career Opportunities

What people don’t understand is the scale of these media companies and how massive their staff is. They still look for people with certain skill sets and fields to manage every aspect of their application.

It is so crucial that Emily Young of Career Charge | USF CTPE Blog, mentions that,

…social media offers you an incredible chance to network with industry leaders, build your brand, and create an online resume that will attract potential employers
— Emily Young

so it offers way more exposure than a simple interview, resume, or portfolio would ever show a potential employer.

Benefits for Everyone to Use Social Media

Even if you are not thinking of getting a job with social media specifically or a designer, you should consider using it if only to put your name and resume out there. It allows employers of many professions to get a better sense of who their potential employees are. As the website Flexjobs says,

It Helps You Showcase Your Talent… It Can Enhance Your Job Search… It Shows You’re Active… It Helps Employers Find You
— Flexjobs

these advantages make it all worth it to help in getting people the right job that matches their skills. In this day and age with technology, as the market is ever-changing with the times, so must the way we recruit and hire people, as there are so many ways to go about doing it.

Social Media Gives Freelancers a Place to Advertise their Skills

Not only does social media help people get noticed and potentially hired for a corporate position, but it also helps advertise the freelancers who offer their services to whoever can pay them. The benefit of them is they don’t work for one company specifically, just whoever pays them, so that allows for more freedom in what projects they choose to take on. On the website Mylance Blog, they wrote an entire article on the advantages of freelancers being on social media, and one important piece of advice they give is,

Social media best practices tell you to follow the 80/20 rule. For 80% of your content, create value for your audience…For the other 20%, sell your services, products, and ideas. As you position yourself to be a thought leader, it will help provide the social proof people need to buy into you as a freelancer
— Mylance Blog

In short, freelancers need to concern themselves with selling their work and creating value for whatever their audience is going to be and then making sure those same services can be sold so they can extend their brand and be able to earn a living. Social media, allows for more exposure and more potential buyers than ever before.

Hello, I am Joseph Crickmore.

But you can call me Joey. I love art and design, and anything else that can be created with my own hands. I have a younger brother who has an autistic disorder, so I always show my support on World Autism Awareness Day.

I myself am a designer, content creator, and freelance artist for commissions.


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