Joseph Crickmore Joseph Crickmore

How Graphic Designers Can Still Find Work in the Physical Media Landscape

In this day and age, digital media is rapidly becoming the center of graphic design work as websites need designs, banners, logos and many things only digital can like slideshows, gifs and motion graphics. However, that is not the only path for designers as there is still a want and a need for physical media.

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Joseph Crickmore Joseph Crickmore

Social Media: The Platform That Gives Designers Opportunity

Social media has changed the world and will never be the same. It has done so much good and harm, so it becomes hard to figure out what to do with it. For designers, this provides them with opportunities they otherwise may never have gotten.

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Joseph Crickmore Joseph Crickmore

Logos: How they changed over time

Logos are everywhere in our modern world. They can be symbols, words or both and they stand for whatever company, business or individual who makes them. But did you know they also have gone through changes over time to keep up with everyone else?

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Joseph Crickmore Joseph Crickmore

Physical Media Won’t Die Out

Physical media has been the norm for a long time in media distribution. DVDs, books, magazines, posters, etc., but now digital media is coming in and taking away the role physical media had. However, I don’t think physical media is dying out just yet.

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