Joseph Crickmore

Content Creation is what I do

Featured Posts

Visionary Workspace: Digital-Physical Product Creation

Together in a group with three other people, we created a desk with a digital screen integration as an exercise in UI and UX creation. Together, we came up with the name of “Visionary Workspace”, the logo, and all of the features it would have. Read more

Brand Creation: How I came to select the type and colors I use

In case you were wondering why the cursive type face and the color choices of blue and purple, then this is the place for you. Follow me on the journey of how I picked those and why I went with what I picked. Read more

ArtEngine Studio: App Creation Prototype

I made an app prototype of a design studio app with a built in search engine for stock images, searching for other users work, and viewing all the work made in the app in a gallery. Read more

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